19 C Mumbai
Friday 14th March 2025
By admin


The chronic respiratory condition known as asthma is characterized by inflammation and constriction of airways, which makes breathing difficult. Millions of individuals worldwide suffer with this prevalent ailment, which can vary in severity. Asthma is frequently under-diagnosed and under-treated, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Although there is no cure for asthma, it can be effectively treated with the right care and lifestyle changes. Effective treatment will help to improve health condition. It is noncommunicable disease and is the most pravelent disease among children.

Causing Factors

The precise etiology of asthma is unknown, however a mix of environmental and genetic factors are thought to be responsible. Among the primary factors are:

Family history or Genetic suscetptibility

Exposure to allergens; Asthma can be triggered on exposure to allergens such as smoke, mold, dust mites, pollen, and pet dander.

Respiratory infections: Early childhood viral infections may play a role in the development of asthma.

Exposure to irritants and pollutants such as smoking, unpleasant smells, and industrial emissions are also one of causing factors.

In some individuals physical activity /exercise and emotional stress can bring asthma symptoms.

Change in weather mostly cold weather brings asthma.

Occupational asthma can trigger due to some substances at workplaces like dust, grain, wood etc. Workers belonging to Bakeries, Pharmaceutical industries, grain workers etc

Certain medicine use eg Aspirin


Patients with asthma may experience different symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms develop much worse leading to asthma attack. Asthma attack may vary from few minutes to many days. studies showed that worse symptoms are mostly reported at night or during exercise.

Symptoms include

Persistant cough

Shortness of breathe

wheezing/ whistling

chest tightness

Undertreated asthma can lead to nocturnal disturbance, fatigue, lack of attention, etc.


Treatment depends on many factors like severity of symptoms, age and associated diseases like hypertension, diabetes etc. In acute conditions the recommended treatment is to use an inhaler that delivers medication directly to the lungs. Tablets, nebulizing solution & injectables are also used, depend on the frequency and severity of symptoms as well as availability of medicine. A study revealed that proper use of inhaler and spacer gives better result as compared to nebulizers. Many types of asthma inhalers are available e.g. Metered dose inhaler, Dry powder inhaler & soft mist inhalers.

Two type of inhalers are used for the management of rspiratory obstruction

Bronchodilators, relieve symptoms by opening/ widening the air passages e.g Salbutamol.

Steroids, relieve symptoms by reducing inflammation of the air passages, e.g Beclometasone.

Long term medications include corticosteroids, Theophyline, leukotriene receptor antagonists monteleukast) etc can be used.

Short-acting beta agonists drugs can be used to treat exercise-induced asthma.

Allergic management

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  • February 28, 2025

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