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Asprin (Acetylsalicylic acid)
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Asprin (Acetylsalicylic acid)

Asprin is used to relieve any type of mild to moderate pain e,g tooth ache, headache, migrain, schiatic pain etc . It also reduces the risk of heart disorders associated to clots formation in blood vessels. It belongs to the class of NSAIDs and a non prescription drug.

In 1971 Van dicovered that like other Non steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs Asprin inhibits the Cyclooxygenase enzyme activity that lead to the formation of prostaglandins (PGs). Production of Prostaglandin causes fever, pain, swelling & inflammation.


All type of pains like headache, migrain, toothache, neuralgia, arthritis, burns, injuries, osteoarthritis, and pain associated with surgical procedures. Moreover it is used to treat fever, pain & inflammation that may be due to flu or common cold or anyother reason. Its anti platelet aggregation activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular death.

Dose for Disease

For Fever 300 to 600 mg by oral route every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 4 g in 24 hours

For pain relief, two tablets (600mg) at one time

Adverse Effects

Common side effects include Heartburn, Stomach discomfort, Nausea, Vomitting

Allergic reaction like rashes, swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat may occur

Severe effects may include anxiety, rapid breathing, ringing in your ears, seizure

Blood through stools, cough or vomit. Fever that may last more than 3 days.

How to take

Dissolve 2 tablets in 30ml (two ounce) water and drink in case of severe ache/ pain.

One to two tablets to a maximum of 13 tablets in 24 hours. The dose may be repeated after 4 hours, but the maximum dose in 24 hours must not be exceeded.

Take tablets with one glass of water. Do not take alcohal while taking asprin.

Do not take empty stomach, better to take after meals to avoid gastric irritation.


Ask your doctor or pharmacist

If you are allergic to this medicine

If you are having gastric disease, ulcer, ulcerarative colitis, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease etc

If age is above 65 years or less than 16 years

Any kidney problem (GFR<30 mL/minute)

If having Asthma, may have allergic reaction

Adverse effects may increase if patient is having acidity, anaemia or dehydrated.

If you are taking any anti-coagulant (e.g. warfarin)

If you have any bleeding disorder
Withdraw its usage at least one weak before surgery, may increase bleeding risk.

How to store

Keep at cool (at or below 25C) and dry place.

Avoid to keep in sunlight.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Check the label for expiry

Do not use if tablet is broken.

In case of syrup shake well before use.

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  • January 9, 2025

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